Literature Review就是我们常说的文献综述,可以是一篇单独的论文,也可以是一篇长论文中的一部分。很多同学对于Literature Review的理解仅限于“文献”这两个字,认为写作Literature Review就是那一些文献资料堆砌起来,殊不知有这样的想法已经是进入误区。掌握Literature Review写作对留学生写论文至关重要,因为Literature Review不仅决定了你的研究问题,还决定了后面部分的数据的查找和研究方法的选择。下面我们就详细分析下如何写Literature Review。
一个完整的文献综述要包含三个部分即introduction of Literature Review, main body and conclusion of Literature Review。
【1】Introduction of Literature Review在introduction中要简单阐明一下你研究主题的背景,比如食品安全、中美贸易战,因为背景就是你研究目的的合理性的体现;其次要提一下以往研究的主要结论和研究空白,最后还要提一下整个Literature Review部分结构。
【2】main body of Literature Review在main body中首先就是要总结和评估各种文献,因此要写出哪位学者的研究最有影响力,他给了哪些解释和结论
For example, Stern is ‘seminal’ for developing traditional methods of attitude and behaviour into models better suited for explaining environmental behaviours.High quality dissertation writing service on
For example:It (VBN theory) is ‘insufficient to explain environmental behaviours in a workplace environment’.
For example:Handgraaf et al (2013) and Tam (2008)对XXXtopic做了研究,Handgraaf believes XXX, whereas Tam states XXX
For example:Young: his model developed a wide number of behavioural factors that can be applied to all workplace pro-environmental action
McDonald: devised a new, more complex framework of workplace behaviour models
Norton: suggested various specific outcomes practitioners (researchers) need to focus on
此外,在文献综述中确定和证明你自己的研究以及填补先前文献中的空白(fill the gap)是非常重要的。下面来看个例子,学生用什么短语将Young和Norton的文献连接起来,以形成他自己的研究
Young: ‘the Young review made a valuable contribution for which future work (i.e. possibly the student’s) could build on’
Norton: The research conducted in this research (specifically the student’s), will seek to address this need (the need identified by Norton)

(1)、chronologically: 按文献发布的时间顺序
(2)、按专题即research questions 或hypothesis(e.g. first paragraph looks at wine industry, the second at small medium enterprises)
【6】Conclusion of Literature Review文献综述的结论部分包含以下几点:
【7】Literature Review应该做什么1、only include well-conducted, robust and unbiased research
2、include work disagreeing with the research hypothesis
3、identify areas for future research - where are the gaps in the research and where is there work still to be done?
4、show that you are aware of the important issues in your research area
5、highlight the best and most influential research
6、highlight gaps in the existing research
7、be a critical discussion of other work - don't simply list the research; you need to comment critically on it
8、summarise or paraphrase important parts of the literature
9、include important ideas and information from sources -可以包括数据与例证
【8】Literature Review千万不要做的1、 simply list the important literature
2、provide a comprehensive review of all the literature on your topic
3、only include research published in journals -政府报告,或者权威国际组织例如World Bank,或者可靠的数据来源处如Bloomberg也可以作为研究的来源
4、assume that all published research is of a high standard -要对文献来源作出自己的判断,通常来说,被引用1万次的文献绝对是权威文献
5、provide an exhaustive analysis of every aspect of each piece of research
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